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Monday, May 30, 2011

What sets us apart from other timeshare relief or timeshare transfer companies?

There are important differences in the way we operate and function from many other companies out there, the first and most noticeable difference is that we do not charge any money upfront, until the transfer of the property has been completed and verified by you! Not by just signing a “power of Attorney” but by the recording of a new deed accepted by your resort or by complete assignment of contract if you own a right to use timeshare, is important that you know that we are not an escrow or title transfer company, we need to adhere to each timeshare policies when it comes to transfers or assignment, so we use the services of the resort or licensed and bonded companies to perform these transfer successfully, we are willing to wait until transfer is completed to make money we will be with you every step of the way working closely with the resort the title transfer company, and you…

Other big difference is precisely the fact that we actually accept the transfer of the timeshare! Many others claim that they do, but unfortunately many folks learn the hard way that a Power of attorney is NOT a transfer, since we are a young company we are taking any type of inventory our purpose is nothing obscure or secret all we do with your timeshare once it’s ours is very simple we book it and sell it!

Our commitment to our customers is very simple, honesty; we feel that the timeshare industry and product can be very good for certain families… But we also know that lots of families were SOLD something that they just simply can’t afford to own… Please contact us and let us help you.


True Transfers

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our company and our intentions

Timeshare the real deal…

I want to start by clarifying our intentions for writing this blog, first off we are a company dedicated to absorb unwanted timeshares from owners that simply do NOT want to pay any more maintenance fees, assessments or any other associated costs with timeshare, also by getting rid of timeshare our clients recover the freedom a freedom that represents a lot more than just saving money on maintenance fees, a freedom that will allow you to shop around online for package deals, the freedom to take off to the drop of a hat, or not!

You will get rid of that terrible feeling that you are being taken by your resort, the feeling that the person staying next to you paid less and is getting the same room or sometimes even better and they didn’t go through paying for the timeshare and maintaining it.

Many of our clients went to their resort to try and fix the problem and the “solution” was always the same… Upgrade or buy more time! And just like many hundreds of families they got stuck with yet another maintenance fee and another headache… If you can get related to any of these scenarios stay tuned…. We may have a solution for you, just a reminder NEVER pay anything upfront for any timeshare related service whether is sale, rent or relief here are some common questions about timeshares and our answer, if you feel like you have reached the point where you just can’t keep maintaining those properties contact us and let us give you a free and low key consultation so YOU can decided on your own if you want to get rid of your timeshare.

Why did my timeshare depreciated so much the second right after I bought it?

When you bought your timeshare you probably didn’t go to a resort to inquire about this purchase, you probably didn’t even want to see the thing! So the resort had to use certain tactics not only to make you attend their presentation/sales pitch but also they had to make it so “attractive” that you just couldn’t say no! And the way they achieve this is by investing ridiculous amounts of dollars in marketing, depending in what year you bought, marketing and commissions that where build up on your purchase price can be north of the 40% mark this “mark up” is the number one reason your timeshare depreciates at an alarming speed, think of it this way; once you made your purchase the marketing company or resort has to pay commissions, did you speak to two or three sales people? They also have to pay the nice guy or lovely girl that offer you all that “free stuff”, speaking of which a percentage of those “gifts” is also build up in that marketing cost that is marked up on your purchase price, add on all the expenses such as legal, accounting, etc, all those things that go “behind curtains” and you have a whopping cost that is being paid directly by the consumer right at point of sale! No wonder they really want you to buy TODAY!

Why is it so hard to make reservations at my own resort?

One reason is that The inventory that is allocated to “owners” vs. “renters” is normally not specified in black and white not making this distinction clearly, allows resorts and hotels to play with “supply and demand” the more demand a certain time of the year has the more money they will want to make from it, so they obviously would want to rent and have “new money” rather than giving a reservation to an owner that already has the commitment to pay maintenance fees and that has signed a contract that specifies that reservations are “ subject to availability” once they have the owner as a repetitive client that HAS to pay maintenance fees that client becomes a guaranteed source of income for the resort, therefore they can go a cater to new customers.

Why are maintenance fees going up all the time?

Unfortunately when we enter a timeshare contract our financial obligation does not end with the purchase price…. It really is just the beginning; the resort is guaranteed to make money from maintenance fees for ever or for a lifetime depending on whether you own a deed or a right to use, signing a typical timeshare contract makes the buyer responsible for a 1/52 per share bought on that particular condo, a commitment that many owners agree that if they would have been made aware, they would never made the purchase, but back to the reason why is very simple while a percentage of those fees actually do go to maintain and pay property taxes, however not all of it… the resort still makes money from the maintenance fees, plain and simple!

Are there any timeshares that really work?

They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” so the answer is yes! Depending on the needs of the consumer, for example if you where a family that skied every year at the same place and you bought a big unit for a low price and had friends and family “chip in” to alleviate the cost of maintenance fees and you bought the 2nd week in February every year and it happened to fit on your family’s and friend’s schedule every single year! Well… you scored! There are stories of many people with very good experiences like the one described above the problem with timeshare is that they sell it as if it was for everybody when the reality is not, timeshare has certainly changed and evolved since the 80’s when it boomed but unfortunately their sales tactics haven’t and as they continue to sell folks that do not “fit” in to the timeshare system there will be high rates of dissatisfaction for this product.

Why is there no resale market for timeshares?

All the issues described above plus the cost timeshare makes no financial sense at this point in time! With the options of travel that you can find online along with the lack of flexibility that most timeshares have it is very unlikely to resale this product, plus you are competing with your resort who is actively selling their product.

The financial burden that timeshare has become for a lot of families all over is no secret, the idea of paying maintenance fees year after year makes most owners stomach turn! Especially when it has been three, four or more years that you haven’t used it! Please ask us more questions or concerns about your timeshare property, we have more than 20 years of experience dealing with timeshares of any kind (fixed, float,points,deeds, right to use etc.) whatever your question is we can help! We do not charge any money upfront for any consultation or transfer.


True Transfers